Title (latvian):
Intervija ar Vili Krūmiņu
Nav autora
Date created:
Type group:
Sound Recording


Title (latvian):
Intervija ar Vili Krūmiņu
Nav autora
Date created:
Format extent (latvian):
1 audiokasete
Abstract (latvian):
Par Sociāldemokrātisko strādnieku partiju - akcents uz strādnieku pārstāvniecību un Padomju Savienības idealizācija ; Demokrātiskā darba partija ; Rainis kā politiķis ; PSRS Tautas deputātu kongress 1989. gadā - šķelšanās, Latvijas Tautas Frontes neveiksme u.c. ; citu Latvijas politisko partiju raksturojums ; vēlēšanu likums ; Augstākā Padome un Satversme ; trimdas latvieši ; par Ārijas Elksnes aiziešanu ; pilsonības likums un citi jautājumi
Description (latvian):
Runā Vilis Krūmiņš ; intervētāja: Iveta Kaizere
Format medium:
Object location (*):
National Library of Latvia
Location department:
Mākslas un mūzikas centrs. Audiovizuālais krājums
Location code:
Is part of collection:
LNB audiokasetes - Nav autora (Kolekcija)
Date captured:
APLIS copyright status:
Rights are unclear
APLIS access rights:
The copyright and neighboring rights status of this work have not been assessed. For additional information, please contact the organization that has made the work available. This work can be freely used for personal use, scientific research, or self-education. Note: - Unless otherwise specified, the organization that has made this work available makes no warranties about this work and cannot guarantee the accuracy of this copyright notice. You are responsible for your use. - Additional information about the copyright status of the item can be found on the organization's website that has made the item available. - You may need to obtain additional permissions for intended use. For example, rights related to publication, privacy, or personal rights may restrict how you can use this work.
APLIS statement of rights:
Copyright not evaluated
APLIS access notice:
Accessible online (without the ability to download)
Type group:
Sound Recording
RDF data | XML data

Available files

Name Description Size Hash Access status
1. Fmk_1844.jpeg 214.82 KB 94ed263d77da1786d449cfd04a77e91a Download Open
2. Intervija ar Vili Krūmiņu 211.1 MB 73a89fd3311d3dd8d908262da9b489cc Download Open

Technical files

Name Description Size Hash
1. copyright.json Autortiesību fails 2.71 KB 6a23ac12230eba7702b25acd9e8b06bf

Archive files

Name Description Size Hash
1. Fmk_1844.wav 931.71 MB a063b72d986f206c3bd2d36c39fa6568
2. Fmk_1844_clean.wav 931.72 MB a54e2a9e1ba3bf6f9024593210a249d3

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