Priekšmeta apraksts: Tumši zilā krāsā ar garām piedurknēm un pogājamu aizdari priekšpusē. Uz pleciem uzšūti žaketes krāsas uzpleči ar sarkanām malām, uz apkakles abām malām uzšūts sarkanas audums. Uzplečiem, apkaklei un pogu aizdarei -PSRS simbolikas pogas. Iešūtas divas kabatas žaketes iekšpusē un tās sānos. Odere- tumši pelēkā krāsā.
The copyright and neighboring rights status of this work has been assessed by the organization that has made the work available, but the organization was unable to make a conclusive determination regarding the copyright status. For additional information, please contact the organization that has made the work available. This work can be freely used for personal use, scientific research, or self-education.
APLIS statement of rights:
Copyright status not specified
APLIS access notice:
Accessible online (without the ability to download)