Title (multiple languages):
Populāri operu kori = Great opera choruses
Date issued:
Rīga : Rīgas skaņu ierakstu studija
Type group:
Sound Recording


Title (multiple languages):
Populāri operu kori = Great opera choruses
Date issued:
Rīga : Rīgas skaņu ierakstu studija
Format extent (latvian):
1 CD (66:56) : DDD, stereo ; 12 cm + teksta piel. (7 [2] lpp. : il. ; 12 cm)
RS 037
Description (latvian):
Izpildītāji: Sieviešu koris "Dzintars" ; Latvijas Nacionālais simfoniskais orķestris ; Aleksandrs Viļumanis, diriģents
Table of contents (multiple languages):
Flying Dutchman. Summ und Brumm / R. Wagner (4:19) -- Merry wives of Windsor. Ihr Elfen, weiss und rot / O. Nicolai (1:28) -- Martha. Darf mit nachtig dustren Traumen / F. V. Flotow (4:10) -- Mephistopheles. Siam nimbi, volanti / A. Boito (3:01) -- Carmen. Dans l'air, nous suivons des yeux / G. Bizet (2:55) -- Aida. Chi mai... (5:46) ; 7.Traviata. Noi siamo zingarelle (2:59) ; Macbeth. Che faceste? Dite su (3:48) ; Macbeth. S'allontanarono! N'accozzeremo / G. Verdi (2:07) -- Ruslan and Lyudmila. Persian chorus (4:35) ; Ivan Susanin. Nuptial chorus / M. Glinka (3:19) -- Rusalka. Mermaid chorus / A. Dargomizhsky (3:35) -- Prince Igor. Uletaj na krilyah vetra (3:52) ; Prince Igor. Na bezvodyi / A. Borodin (5:05) -- 15.Snow Maiden. Prologue, song of the birds and the dance from act I / N. Rimsky-Korsakov (3:05) -- Mazepa. Chorus of the maidens from act I (3:51) ; Queen of Spades. Chorus of the children and the nurses from act I (5:21) ; Eugene Onegin. Chorus of the maidens from act I / P. Tchaikovsky (2:48)
Format medium:
Object location (*):
National Library of Latvia
Location department:
Mākslas un mūzikas centrs. Audiovizuālais krājums
Location code:
Is part of collection:
Latvijas CD (Kolekcija)
Date captured:
APLIS copyright status:
Undefined APLIS copyright status
APLIS access rights:
Undefined APLIS access rights
APLIS statement of rights:
Undefined APLIS copyright statement
APLIS access notice:
Undefined Access Notice for APLIS is not defined
Type group:
Sound Recording
RDF data | XML data

Available files

Name Description Size Hash Access status
1. 13.Prince Igor Uletaj na krilyah vetra.mp3 9 MB dea907edfecbb8cdabee7daa27384242 Insufficient rights to download file
2. 03.Martha Darf mit nachtig dustren Traumen.mp3 9.66 MB 515cd77babd718c26d1cd97be4a23f9f Insufficient rights to download file
3. 02.Merry wives of Windsor Ihr Elfen weiss und rot.mp3 3.51 MB e5eb3cc0489b808001b6013a1e87d8b8 Insufficient rights to download file
4. 08.Macbeth Che faceste Dite su.mp3 8.85 MB d29c1a1b19f210a82c6074586e899781 Insufficient rights to download file
5. 11.Ivan Susanin Nuptial chorus.mp3 7.73 MB 1e1e79ef9b00307d2a66d1ff0f387f40 Insufficient rights to download file
6. 01.Flying Dutchman Summ und Brumm.mp3 10.03 MB 9938cca221919f08d737a72e1ea731fc Insufficient rights to download file
7. 10.Ruslan and Lyudmila Persian chorus.mp3 10.63 MB 808813b77707f1321a031b3dd8521512 Insufficient rights to download file
8. 14.Prince Igor Na bezvodyi.mp3 11.77 MB 70fb361a54a85cc02eeae685871a82ec Insufficient rights to download file
9. 18.Eugene Onegin Chorus of the maidens from act I.mp3 6.45 MB a0e9b7d23c0df2131761070d2c43a082 Insufficient rights to download file
10. 17.Queen of Spades Chorus of the children and the nurses from act I.mp3 12.39 MB 5d79f3a6cd6d3d9f58ed5fedc51143bc Insufficient rights to download file
11. 12.Rusalka Mermaid chorus.mp3 8.35 MB 5f6cba34b236eef195d72187cd123ec2 Insufficient rights to download file
12. 05.Carmen Dans lair nous suivons des yeux.mp3 6.81 MB 65d3d96bc69c237e3bbb904e49f07a04 Insufficient rights to download file
13. 09.Macbeth Sallontanarono Naccozzeremo.mp3 4.97 MB d7339087e437a34580eda9cba6d43b6e Insufficient rights to download file
14. 06.Aida Chi mai.mp3 13.34 MB 9ce2b7d28816af2a00289ed5988899c4 Insufficient rights to download file
15. 04.Mephistopheles Siam nimbi volanti.mp3 7.05 MB 59ff7e3b2d685c8abaeee2ecac8e1c3f Insufficient rights to download file
16. 07.LaTraviata Noi siamo zingarelle.mp3 6.98 MB 95f09aba9e266d7f140c7f31bdb2d591 Insufficient rights to download file
17. 16.Mazepa Chorus of the maidens from act I.mp3 8.94 MB 9b64fa22767b797c7c4a997ceb1b9976 Insufficient rights to download file
18. 15.The Snow Maiden Prologue song of the birds and the dance from act I.mp3 7.18 MB 4ee2dd2b25a2328557cdaaf485bd2e3e Insufficient rights to download file

Archive files

Name Description Size Hash
1. 03.Martha Darf mit nachtig dustren Traumen.wav 42.62 MB 2e45242cee18fd588feae3bb23354553
2. 08.Macbeth Che faceste Dite su.wav 39.02 MB 0019f5dbfa63e50f543c4cdc4e5eb251
3. 02.Merry wives of Windsor Ihr Elfen weiss und rot.wav 15.44 MB ced41c52ec89dc2467e361cda58f5e18
4. 16.Mazepa Chorus of the maidens from act I.wav 39.42 MB 5c9f16014ce08ee3f30a59223ea84298
5. 10.Ruslan and Lyudmila Persian chorus.wav 46.89 MB d1874b54cec154d84f8388467447181e
6. 05.Carmen Dans lair nous suivons des yeux.wav 30.04 MB cacf6c2a40f0d2e38a8de1878d8e1f45
7. 17.Queen of Spades Chorus of the children and the nurses from act I.wav 54.64 MB b8bc957221c828950aec90fd6471a471
8. 15.The Snow Maiden Prologue song of the birds and the dance from act I.wav 31.67 MB 01c216bd36faba3c812056108ac5b60a
9. 11.Ivan Susanin Nuptial chorus.wav 34.1 MB 038719f69c78e2f4f2e24beef23c4f25
10. 13.Prince Igor Uletaj na krilyah vetra.wav 39.68 MB 3ecb2978ba5e21e6e03e6ec632d8e0a5
11. 07.LaTraviata Noi siamo zingarelle.wav 30.77 MB 7d2fa881645fb1f4499dd016fbd0750b
12. 04.Mephistopheles Siam nimbi volanti.wav 31.08 MB c7f1917ce46f6b82d141f47db0308c1e
13. 06.Aida Chi mai.wav 58.82 MB 99a648ba01aed5319bbafb9dc8b1bf66
14. 01.Flying Dutchman Summ und Brumm.wav 44.25 MB df83b5c051aba88fc76a470fa163acdd
15. 12.Rusalka Mermaid chorus.wav 36.83 MB 5b4930325c60000e8e862524f76fa060
16. 09.Macbeth Sallontanarono Naccozzeremo.wav 21.92 MB f5e9e7288ac8b514afbdd20ff6c00ed2
17. 14.Prince Igor Na bezvodyi.wav 51.92 MB 5fcbed172a720af1e843d1f81a3ce41a
18. 18.Eugene Onegin Chorus of the maidens from act I.wav 28.41 MB b516eaa80882a91e419f4d64db268126

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