
Conference Proceedings : "Project management development - practice and perspectives" : ... International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, ... Riga, University of Latvia
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Riga : University of Latvia
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Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : third International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, April 10-11, 2014, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2014 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : fourth International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, April 16-17, 2015, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2015 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : fifth International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, April 14-15, 2016, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2016 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : 8th International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, April 25-26, 2019, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2019 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : first International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, February 8-9, 2012, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2012 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : second International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, April 11-12, 2013, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2013 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : 6th International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, April 27-28, 2017, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2017 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : 7th International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, April 19-20, 2018, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2018 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : 9th International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries, April 23-24, 2020, Riga, Latvia : conference proceedings - Nav autora - 2020 (Grāmata)
Ir daļa:
Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives : international scientific conference on project management in the Baltic countries - Nav autora - 2021 (Grāmata)
Oriģināla turētājs (*):
Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka
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