Projekta "Piens" tīmekļa vietne. Jauno mediju mākslinieču Ievas Auziņas un Esteres Polakas (Nīderlande) realizētais projekts ir multimediāls stāsts par to, kā Limbažu piens aizceļo uz Nīderlandi un pa ceļam uz Utrehtas tirgu pārtop par Parmas siera līdzinieku – Rigamont. Izmantojot GPS (globālās pozicionēšanas sistēmas) jeb vietrādes medijus, mākslinieces izsekoja šajā piena ceļā iesaistīto cilvēku gaitām, dokumentējot tās arī ar skaņas un fotogrāfiju palīdzību.
Anotācija (angļu):
The website of the project MILK. MILK is a locative art - mapping project, that explores visual and documenting possibilities of GPS technology. Since summer 2003 it has been developed as international collaboration project between Esther Polak, Ieva Auzina and RIXC – Riga Center for New Media Culture. MILK project introduces to one of the countless movements of the international food trade, in this case milk, produced by Latvian farmers, made into cheese by a local factory with the help of an Italian expert, transported to the Netherlands, stored in a Dutch cheese warehouse to ripen and sold at the Utrecht market. The map follows the milk from the udder of the cow to the plate of the consumer, by means of the people involved. They all were given a GPS device for a day: one of the days that they were somehow occupied with the movements of this dairy. The installation shows the actual GPS-tracks, the reactions of the participants on the tracks, and their personal relationship with the landscape involved.