Information for civic literacy in Latvia : an overview on public libraries
Veilande, Doloresa
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Information for civic literacy in Latvia : an overview on public libraries
Veilande, Doloresa
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Fiziskais raksturojums:
8 lpp.
Fiziskais datu nesējs:
Digitāli radīts
Vispārīgās piezīmes:
Referāts no IFLA priekškonferences "Information for Civic Literacy" (2012.gada 8.-10.augusts, Rīga).
Anotācija (latviešu):
Civic literacy is very important nowadays. Libraries of Latvia are carrying it out in the following way: providing population with high-quality general collection and the part of the collection promoting civic literacy of various levels including the global context (environmental education, human rights, security, etc.); providing access to legislation and other objective information in the traditional and electronic form (it includes experience, providing prisoners – readers of RCL lending point at Brasa prison - (within the project) with access to optic internet using which they can read online full-text legislative documents at; creating high-quality, reliable databases and offering the ones library has subscriptions for with librarians as information guides; the project co-financed by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the government of Latvia for the development of public libraries called “The Third Son" has provided libraries with computers with Internet connection and training for librarians, as a result of which there is free Internet access and access to databases at all public libraries in Latvia; offering trainings for inhabitants on using Internet, e-services and Internet safety which is an important step in bridging the gap of information and creating the information society (e-Skills Week 2012 had more than 17 000 members, it is important that Latvian libraries were especially active in organizing activities); organizing e - learning and educational activities, as well as integrative Latvian language courses for the unemployed, the homeless and other socially excluded groups of people; providing users with free information from municipal and governmental organizations; turning the library into a place for expressing one’s civil opinion, discussions and participation in solving local problems (public discussions on construction works in cities, meetings with deputies from various political parties); promoting awareness about one’s historical identity (activities connected with local history, excursions, family history research, project "Lost Latvia"); organizing integration events for people with disabilities and people for whom Latvian is not the mother tongue.
Pieder kolekcijai:
Latvijas Nacionālās bibliotēkas konferenču, semināru, sanāksmju materiāli (Kolekcija)
Oriģināla turētājs (*):
Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka
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1. doloresa-veilande-eng.pdf 53.75 KB fd8dbfc87c43d9013edbcd2a5b1638a4 Lejupielādēt Atvērt

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